mountain top observatory. The resources available to the team on CD-ROM include: full motion video clips; images from the Hubble Space Telescope and other instruments, audio clips by astronomers, NASA publications, information from astronomy journals and books; and computer animation and graphics.

Hubble Space Telescope Educational Software
by Oklahoma State University (1990)
Software: Apple II and Macintosh (PageMaker 3.02)
Grades: 5-8
Application: Astronomy, Physical Science
This software package chronicles the history of astronomical observations culminating in the Hubble Space Telescope, examines the design and science of telescopes, describes Hubble's instruments, and illustrates how Hubble captures and transmits images from space. Includes fact sheets, lithographs, software, activities, bibliography, models, and evaluation materials.


Educational and background information publications are available from NASA Headquarters. Please address requests to:
NASA Headquarters
Code FEO-2
Space-Based Astronomy Teacher's Guide
300 E Street, SW
Washington, DC 20546-0001
NASA (1993) Black Holes, Educational Brief, EB-114, NASA Headquarters, Washington, DC.

NASA (1987) The Death of a Star: Supernova 1987a, Educational Briefs, EB-88-1 (S), NASA Headquarters, Washington, DC.

NASA (1992) The Extreme Ultraviolet Explorer Mission, Educational Briefs, EB-108, NASA Headquarters, Washington, DC.

NASA (1992) What is Space Physics? Educational Briefs, EB-106, NASA Headquarters, Washington, DC.

NASA (1992) A Career in Space Physics, Educational Topic, ET-101, NASA Headquarters, Washington, DC.

NASA (1993) Corrective Optics Space Telescope Axial Replacement (COSTAR), NASA Facts, NF-181, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, MD.

NASA (1993) The Cosmic Background Explorer: Looking Back to the Beginning of Time, NASA Fact Sheet, NASA HqL-354, NASA Headquarters, Washington, DC.

NASA (1991) The Gamma-Ray Observatory, NP-124, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, MD.

NASA (1991) The Gamma-Ray Observatory: Exploring the Mysteries of Time, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, MD.

NASA (1990) The Great Observatories for Space Astrophysics, NP-128, NASA Headquarters, Washington, DC.

NASA (1988), How Big is the Universe? Information Summaries, PMS-019, NASA Lewis Research Center, Cleveland, OH.

NASA (1993) Hubble Space Telescope, Operations Control Center, NASA Facts, NF-206, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, MD.

NASA (1993) Hubble vs New Ground-Based Optics, NASA Headquarters, Washington, DC.

NASA (1992) NASA Restructures AXAF Program, NASA Fact Sheet, NASA Headquarters, Washington, DC.

Color Lithographs

Lithographs are available from NASA Headquarters. (See the address listed under publications.)

HqL-323 Scientific Balloons
HqL-336 HST NGC 2440
HqL-338 COBE Big Bang Cosmology
HqL-375 International Ultraviolet Explorer Studies the Universe
HqL-376 Saturn
HqL-377 Pluto
HqL-378 Venus
HqL-380 Uranus
HqL-381 Moon
HqL-382 Jupiter
HqL-386 Our Star--The Sun
HqL-388 Asteroids: Gaspra and Ida
HqL-398 Hubble Reveals Central Region of an Active Galaxy
HqL-399 Hubble's New Optics Probe Core of Distant Galaxy
HqL-400 HST First Servicing Mission

Next page Teacher Resources

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